Accompany local authorities

Accompanying local authorities in their projects to raise awareness

among citizens

and set up

textile and footwear

waste collection services

In 2023 Refashion consolidated its partnership with local authorities.

After one year of accreditation, more than 53 million inhabitants are already covered by Refashion's new Local Authority Agreement and are supported to increase their knowledge as regards to the functioning of the textile and footwear industry and best sorting practices for CHF waste.

A new catalogue of actions has also been put in place, offering a wide range of communication tools and ideas to give momentum to the national network.

Among the most noteworthy actions during the year, we can give a special mention to the second edition of the Textile Race which took place in the French department of The Vosges and which met with great success.

This competition rallied 1000 schoolchildren from the department who collected a European record of 31 500 kilos of textile waste, exceeding the previous record established in 2021 in The Netherlands.

This new accomplishment highlights the effectiveness of Refashion's programs to get the territories involved in promoting responsible practices.


Local authorities having registered with Refashion

52 530 279

Population covered by the local authorities registered with Refashion


Approved local authorities


Amount paid in euros to local authorities to support communication initiatives
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Raise awareness
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